Thanthonimalai Karur

Thanthonimalai in Karur

by Owner

Used house for sale in Karur Thanthonimalai, this is a 2BHK house. Car parking is available in which 3 bikes and a car can be...

  • Price in Lakhs ₹: 50

 House for sale /  Thanthonimalai Karur / 505 views

₹ 5,000,000.00

by Owner

2BHK house for sale in Thanthonimalai Karur, the total plot area is 1200 square feet, out of which 1100 square feet the house is constructed....

  • Price in Lakhs ₹: 45

 House for sale /  Thanthonimalai Karur / 506 views

₹ 4,500,000.00

by Owner

2800 Square feet Plot for sale in Karur. Suitable for building houses and commercial buildings. East facing This plot does not come under Temple land....

  • Price in Lakhs ₹: 28 Lakhs

 Plot for Sale /  Thanthonimalai Karur / 478 views

₹ 2,800,000.00

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